Nordic Healthcare Group Blog

Making VBHC Real – Experiences from Estonian Stroke Patient Pathway Pilot – presentation at the ICHOM 2022 Conference

A unique national stroke patient pathway pilot in Estonia put patients at the centre and tried out various incentives to make the pathway better.

The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) took a big leap towards value-based healthcare as they introduced a two-year national stroke patient pathway pilot involving 4 out of 6 hospitals in Estonia providing acute stroke care during. The results of the pilot were presented at the ICHOM 2022 Conference by Tiina Sats, Head of Department, Estonian Health Insurance Fund, Terje Peetso, MD, Member of the Management Board, North Estonia Medical Centre (NEMC), and Vesa Komssi, Executive Vice President, Nordic Healthcare Group. Please see the recording of the presentation to learn more.

Discussed in the presentation at ICHOM 2022:

  • What was the starting point and need for the pilot?
  • Why was the pilot important from the hospital point of view?
  • How were the outcomes collected?
  • How were outcomes visualized and benchmarked?
  • What were the results and what differences were found between hospitals?
  • What were the successes and lessons learned from the pilot?
  • What is the way forward after the pilot?

Have you implemented the ICHOM stroke set or are planning to do so? We’d love to get in touch and share experiences and information with other hospitals and healthcare organisations.

Please reach out to:
Vesa Komssi,
Executive Vice President at Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG)

NHG is ICHOM’s certified implementation partner in the Nordic region and was proud to assist EHIF in the project.