Grace has had the opportunity of working with many life sciences stakeholders over the past 12 years. At NICE, she was a Senior Scientific Adviser with NICE Scientific Advice for 7 years, in which time she worked with many pharmaceutical and medtech companies to understand evidence requirements for HTA evaluation, co-developed the Medtech Early Technical Assessment tool (META) and was the technical lead for the new models for evaluating and purchasing antimicrobials project. In the private sector, she was a Director at MAP Patient Access and a Principal at IQVIA, engaging with HQ clients to bring new technologies to market across the EU and helping companies to prepare for the new EU HTA processes. She also has a longstanding interest in academia and education, with a PhD from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where she led smallpox and influenza outbreak war-games at LSHTM for over a decade. She was then the NICE lead for the NICE-LSE Executive MSc in Healthcare Decision-Making, developed the META training programme before developing graduate and internship programmes at MAP Patient Access.