ICHOM Certification

ICHOM is introducing the first phase of our tiered certification.

This is an objective assessment as to whether your health care organization is delivering care that is patient-centered and focused on value. It is conducted by an independent non-profit organization internationally recognised for defining standards of outcomes that matter most to patients.

Assessment Criteria:

Are you routinely measuring the outcomes specified in ICHOM Sets?
These outcomes reflect both quantity and quality of life as a result of care received

Are you using the data collected to improve care?
Evidence of data-led decision-making, based upon patient preferences to improve quality of care over time and/or transform care?

How it works

Have you been collecting data for at least 12 months?

  • You will be asked to complete an initial online, certification survey
  • Within 4 weeks of submitting the completed survey, you will receive a custom report on how your organization is performing, and where relevant will be given recommendations for any improvements

Have you been collecting data for less than 6 months?

Continue your great work and begin preparing your application for Certification when you have 12 months of data

How you benefit

  • With ICHOM Certification, you will be seen by patients, your peer organizations, payers, policy makers and regulators as a pioneer in delivering patient-centered, value-based care
  • You can assess whether your organization is moving in the right direction in terms of value-based care
  • If reapplying for ICHOM Certification again, you will receive constructive feedback on areas that your organization can improve upon, and pointers to resources available at ICHOM to support your improvement journey