Our Partners provide support for ICHOM, through knowledge and expertise sharing, network development and funding, and they are integral to the ongoing success of ICHOM.

Click on the logos below to find out more about our current partners.

Leadership Partners:

Our Leadership Partners provide high input, long-term and sustaining support for ICHOM, through knowledge and expertise sharing, network development and funding. They are integral to the ongoing success of ICHOM and are recognized as the Foundation of our organization.

Transformation Partners:

Our Transformation Partners are at the forefront of delivering and supporting system-wide healthcare centered on Patient Outcomes, through knowledge and expertise sharing, network development and funding.

Knowledge Partners:

ICHOM Knowledge Partners bring specific expertise to support the adoption and use of Sets, and are promoted by ICHOM across our respective channels to the wider ICHOM community.

Global Partner Program

To find out more about our global partner program,
simply fill in your details below: