Putting Patients at the Heart of Healthcare

At ICHOM, our mission is to unlock the potential of value-based healthcare by defining what matters most to patients and encouraging the adoption and reporting of these measures worldwide to make life better for all.

A New Definition
of Success

Doctors think about prostate cancer in terms of PSA levels. The average patient doesn’t. That’s why we need to change how we evaluate and talk to patients about their health.

This approach is built on a framework developed at Harvard Business School by Professors Michael E. Porter and Elizabeth O. Teisberg. In 2006, Porter and Teisberg wrote the well-known book, Redefining Health Care, which outlines the argument for using health outcomes data to redefine the nature of competition in health care.

In 2012, Professor Porter, along with Dr Stefan Larsson of Boston Consulting Group, and Professor Martin Ingvar of the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm founded ICHOM - the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement - to develop a practical framework for healthcare systems to implement this framework.

Find out more about ICHOM and value-based healthcare
in our recent webinar

ICHOM's Mission: We’re creating a new definition of success that transforms health care in several important ways:

Informed decision making

By publishing health outcomes data, patients can choose the physicians and treatments that best suit them.

Quality Improvement

Outcomes data can help physicians evaluate how they’re doing compared to their peers worldwide and provide an opportunity to learn from each other to improve the care they provide

Reducing Costs

If physicians make treatment decisions based on outcomes, patients are more likely to receive high quality care and payers only pay for services that achieve results.

Case Study Video

How measuring Patient Outcomes enabled the transformation of Germany’s Martini Klinik

We are grounded in a
theoretical framework

Our approach is built on a framework developed at Harvard Business School by Professors Michael E. Porter and Elizabeth O. Teisberg. In 2006, Porter and Teisberg wrote the well-known book, Redefining Health Care, which outlines the argument for using health outcomes data to redefine the nature of competition in health care.

We are rooted in strategy

One of our founding organizations, The Boston Consulting Group, was the first to introduce competitive strategy to the business world. Their team offers more than 50 years of experience, a professional culture, and a rigorous approach to addressing challenges.