The ICHOM Working Group responsible for crafting a Set of Patient-Centered Outcome Measures for Adults Living with Obesity has recently concluded its Patient Validation Survey. This survey aimed to gather direct feedback from individuals with personal experience of obesity.
A total of one hundred and ten participants, including individuals living with obesity and their professional caregivers from English- and Spanish-speaking regions, were given the opportunity to review the outcomes identified as most crucial by the Working Group. The overwhelming support received confirms the significance of these outcomes. Notably, no outcomes were added or removed from the Set, as each was unanimously recognized as essential by those living with obesity.
This serves as remarkable validation for the exceptional efforts of the international, multi-disciplinary working group tasked with deciding the outcomes that hold the greatest importance to patients, and subsequently determining how and when to measure them.
Visit out website to learn about the ICHOM Set of Patient-Centered Outcomes for Obesity and how you can start implementing the ICHOM Sets today to drive VBHC forward in your organization.