He started his career practicing corporate and transactional law, founded and ran a venture capital fund, built and ran a specialty chemical company, shifted into non-profit leadership, worked for Pres. George W. Bush, and upon encountering Elizabeth Teisberg, started teaching and researching high-value health care transformation. Scott helped launch the Master of Health Care Delivery Science program at Dartmouth college, and after co-leading the launch of the Master of Science in Health Care Transformation program at the University of Texas at Austin, went on to co-create and teach five of its nine courses. In 2023, he was awarded the university’s highest honor for educational innovation and teaching excellence. Since 2007, Scott has worked on high-value transformation spanning a wide array of conditions including cancer, diabetes, dementia, congenital heart anomalies, obesity, and mental health. Working closely with Elizabeth Teisberg, Scott created the Experience Group research methodology that centers the expertise of patients in the process of transforming health care services.
Co-founder and Managing Director, Value Institute for Health and Care, University of Texas
Associate Professor, Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin
Associate Professor, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin
BA, Duke University
MBA, University of Chicago
JD, University of Chicago
Zofia Das-Gupta (Moderator)
Senior Director, Outcomes Implementation & Accreditation
Sumalee Samakkanonthakan, RN, M.N.S. (Adult Nursing)
Manager of Center of Excellence Heart (CoE Heart)
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya
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