
The ICHOM Set of Patient-Centered Outcome Measures for Chronic Kidney Disease is the result of hard work by a group of leading physicians, measurement experts and patients. It is our recommendation of the outcomes that matter most to patients with Chronic Kidney Disease. We urge all providers around the world to start measuring these outcomes to better understand how to improve the lives of their patients.

  1. Pre-RRT Patients
  2. Haemodialysis Patients
  3. Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
  4. Transplant Patients
  5. Conservative Care Patients
ICHOM Accreditation Product Logo

All of the basic information you need to implement ICHOM Sets is available in the links above. However, for a faster, more easily integrated process, we offer digitised versions of the Set measures. These are designed for immediate upload to existing EMR systems. This is available as part of our Accreditation package, which recognises your work in putting patient outcomes at the heart of treatment.

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Team that developed this set

Chair | Willem Jan W Bos | St. Antonius Hospital
Research Fellow | Wouter Verberne | St. Antonius Hospital
Project Leader | Zofia Das-Gupta | ICHOM
Vice-President of Standardisation | Charlotte Roberts | ICHOM

Andrea Stopper | ERCPA
Wim van Biesen | University of Ghent

Markus Ketteler | Klinikum Coburg

Guillermo Garcia-Garcia | University of Guadalajara

J.A.J. (Hans) Bart* | Dutch Kidney Patient Association
Kitty J. Jager | ERA-EDTA Registry, University of Amsterdam
Marc H. Hemmelder | Dutch Renal Registry
Turkan Terkivatan | Erasmus Medical Center

Eduardo Parra Moncasi | Reina Sofia Hospital Tudela

Chih-Wei Yang | Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Linkou

Muhamed Al Rohani | Dibba Hospital

David C. Wheeler | University College London
Elizabeth Gibbons | University of Oxford

Andrew S. Allegretti | Massachusetts General Hospital
Katherine R. Tuttle | Providence Medical Research Center, University of Washington
Laurie Konowitz*

*Patient representative

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Implementation Map

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