Nordic Healthcare Group Blog

Philips, Nordic Healthcare Group (NHG) and local partner Meditsiinigrupp will support public payer Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) in a two-year Stroke Patient Pathway Pilot Project by providing IT solutions for measuring the outcomes and costs of ischemic stroke care.

This pilot project involves 4 out of 6 hospitals in Estonia providing acute stroke care, and thus, it will be possible to benchmark hospitals through different perspectives: patient-reported outcome measures, clinical outcome measures and costs. Benchmarking enables to detect and learn from best practices. If the process is successful, the measuring can be extended in Estonia to further hospitals and conditions.

In the pilot project the patient health outcomes data will be collected and analysed with patient-reported outcomes measurement software from Philips through standardized and validated questionnaires. Financial information will be provided by the EHIF. NHG, which in 2019 became ICHOM’s (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement) certified implementation partner in the Nordic region will combine this information into a visual dashboard, creating a correlation between the cost and outcomes data. Through the dashboard, professionals can compare the outcomes and the costs between the separate hospitals, as well as the clinicians. Hospitals also gain knowledge for their stroke patient pathway improvements. Standardising the outcomes in regard to the patients’ baseline situation enables comparable indicators, such as the patients’ ability to function, the success of returning to employment, and the flow of the care process.

These partnerships have been formed as a result of ICHOM’s Implementation Partnership Programme. Together with NHG we have created a blog demonstrating the progression of the project over the coming months.

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Making VBHC Real – Experiences from Estonian Stroke Patient Pathway Pilot – presentation at the ICHOM 2022 Conference

A unique national stroke patient pathway pilot in Estonia put patients at the centre and tried out various incentives to make the pathway better. The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) took a big leap towards value-based healthcare as they introduced a two-year national stroke patient pathway pilot involving 4 out of 6 hospitals in Estonia providing acute stroke care during. The results of the pilot were presented at the ICHOM 2022 Conference by Tiina Sats, Head of Department, Estonian Health Insurance Fund, Terje Peetso, MD, Member of the Management Board, North Estonia Medical Centre (NEMC), and Vesa Komssi, Executive Vice President, Nordic Healthcare Group. Please see the recording of the presentation to learn more.

Testing new payment model and planning evaluation of the pilot

The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) took a big leap towards value-based healthcare as they started a national stroke patient pathway pilot involving 4 out of 6 hospitals in Estonia providing acute stroke care. In addition to hospitals’ development projects and outcome measuring and benchmarking, as part of the pilot project, a new payment model – the bundled payment – was tested for the whole stroke care pathway. How does the payment model work? And what does the future look like as the pilot project is coming to an end in 2022? We asked EHIF’s Head of Specialist Care Department Tiina Sats, Chief Specialist Mariliis Põld and Analyst Mait Raag.

Visual dashboard to benchmark outcomes and costs between hospitals

The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) took a big leap towards value-based healthcare as they started a national stroke patient pathway pilot involving 4 out of 6 hospitals in Estonia providing acute stroke care. A visual dashboard was built to display results and enable benchmarking between the hospitals. What information does the dashboard display? How is the information used to improve the stroke patient pathway? What has been successful and what are the lessons learned? We asked EHIF’s Chief Specialist Mariliis Põld and The North Estonia Medical Centre’s Member of the Management Board Terje Peetso and Project Manager Triin Naudi. The North Estonia Medical Centre is one of the four hospitals involved in the pilot.

Engaging patients in collecting PROMs

The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) took a big leap towards value-based healthcare as they started a national stroke patient pathway pilot involving 4 out of 6 hospitals in Estonia providing acute stroke care. As from 1st July 2020, the hospitals started collecting PROMs from the patients; with a spectacular response rate of 95% at 90 days.How have patients been engaged to get results? What has been successful and what are the lessons learned? We asked EHIF’s Project Manager Rõõt Palmiste and Chief Specialist Mariliis Põld.

Presentation of “Measuring Outcomes and Stroke Patient Pathway Pilot in Estonia” at the ICHOM conference 2020

A unique national stroke patient pathway pilot puts patient at the centre and tries out various incentives to make the pathway better.

The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) took a big leap towards value-based healthcare as they started a national stroke patient pathway pilot involving 4 out of 6 hospitals in Estonia providing acute stroke care. How did this project get started? What has been successful so far? And most important, what are the lessons learned?

Better quality of life for stroke patients

A unique national stroke patient pathway pilot puts patient at the centre and tries out various incentives to make the pathway better.

The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (EHIF) took a big leap towards value-based healthcare as they started a national stroke patient pathway pilot involving 4 out of 6 hospitals in Estonia providing acute stroke care. How did this project get started? What has been successful so far? And most important, what are the lessons learned? We asked EHIF’s Head of Specialist Care Department Tiina Sats, Innovation Lead Kitty Kubo and Project Manager Rõõt Palmiste.