
The ICHOM Set of Patient-Centered Outcome Measures for Inflammatory Arthritis is the result of hard work by a group of leading physicians, measurement experts and patients. It is our recommendation of the outcomes that matter most to patients with Inflammatory Arthritis. We urge all providers around the world to start measuring these outcomes to better understand how to improve the lives of their patients.

  1. Multiple outcome instruments will be linked to domain-specific common metrics, using item response theory
  2. Combination of subjective and objective measures: acute phase response, joint assessment, body surface area & enthesitis and dactylitis (PsA)
ICHOM Accreditation Product Logo

All of the basic information you need to implement ICHOM Sets is available in the links above. However, for a faster, more easily integrated process, we offer digitised versions of the Set measures. These are designed for immediate upload to existing EMR systems. This is available as part of our Accreditation package, which recognises your work in putting patient outcomes at the heart of treatment.

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Team that developed this set

Chair | Harald Vonkeman | Medisch Spectrum Twente & University of Twente
Co-Chair | Mart van de Laar | Medisch Spectrum Twente & University of Twente
Research Fellow | Martijn Oude Voshaar | University of Twente
Project Leader | Zofia Das-Gupta | ICHOM

Enrique Soriano | Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires

Geraldo Pinheiro | Rio de Janeiro State University

Laure Gossec | Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital

Jeffrey Chau*

Merav Lidar | Sheba Medical Center

Angelique Weel | Maasstad Hospital
Annelies Boonen | Maastricht UMC
Johannes Bijlsma | EULAR
Marieke Voshaar*
Maarten de Wit*
Nico Wulffraat | UMCU

William Taylor | University of Otago

Katy Ying Ying Leung | Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Girish Mody | Nelson Mandela School of Medicine

Christina Opava | Karolinska Institutet
Sofia Ernestam | Karolinska Institutet

Delphine Courvoisier | University Hospitals of Geneva

Benjamin Ellis | Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Mwidimi Ndosi | University of the West of England

Christine Hale*
Jeffrey Curtis | University of Alabama at Birmingham
Jennifer Horonjeff*
Kaleb Michaud* | University of Nebraska Medical Center & National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
Philip Mease | University of Washington

*Patient representative

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Implementation Map

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